Blue Steel
“Blue Steel” is a classic Western film released in 1934, directed by Robert N. Bradbury and starring John Wayne. In this film, John Wayne plays the role of a U.S. Marshal named John Carruthers. The plot revolves around Carruthers trying to solve a series of bank robberies in a small town. Complicating matters is the fact that the local sheriff is involved in the criminal activities, and Carruthers becomes the prime suspect.
As is typical in many Westerns, “Blue Steel” features action, gunfights, and the pursuit of justice. John Wayne’s performance in the film contributed to his rising status as a leading actor in Westerns during that era.
It’s worth noting that “Blue Steel” is just one of many Western films in John Wayne’s extensive filmography, and it is often remembered as one of the early works that helped establish his career in the genre.
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